Monday, April 27, 2009

The NO YELLING Campaign

I am ever convinced that God has a mighty and powerful sense of humor. For years in my family, we've battled anger...from my own eight-year-old eyes on family violence to my own loud, impatient voice as a mother allowing frustrations to take hold of better judgment. If there's one stronghold in my house that we are losing, it's anger.

Counseling. Prayer. Promises. And still anger persisted, winning over our "quality time" all too often. My eight-year-old even launched a "No Yelling" Campaign complete with signs in every room of the house. The signs did not help that much though...instead it was like a constant irritating reminder of failure. Then there was the "Mama Should Be Nice Petition" signed by both children. And then we got a rescue dog from the SPCA. Eight pounds of weenie dog that pees wherever he is whenever you utter the first audible hint of a yell. I believe the technical term is "submissive urination." So I believe that God is being funny and real and personal. He is digging into our daily existence and letting us know that if we yell, we will have a lot to clean up afterward. He is reminding us that "Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for a man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires." (James 1:19-20)


1 comment:

  1. Psalms 103:8
    I thank God for His mercy and feel the blessings of His ways. That He is "slow to anger" makes me ever grateful for I am such an unworthy child except for Jesus' redeeming body and blood.

    I think your pup is the coolest "behavior modification" God could have given ya'll!!
    And, what unconditional love that little puppy will give you in return!

    God is so good!!!!
